Decorating the Christmas Tree 32 bar reel for 3 couples in a 3C set
1-2 1C, 2C, 3C set
3-4 3C, R hand in R, dance up the centre to 1st place; 1C & 2C step down,
5-8 3C turn R hand 1 ½ times, finishing on opposite sides
9-12 2C, in 3rd place, set & dance R hand in R up the centre to 1st place, 1C & 3C step down
on bars 11&12
13-16 2C turn R hand 1 ½ times, finishing on opposite sides
17-20 1C repeat bars 1-4
21-22 1C turn R hand back to own sides
23-24 1C set
25-26 1M change places RH with 2M
27-28 1W change places RH with 2W
29-30 1M change places RH with 3W
31-32 1W change places RH with 3M, finishing 2, 3, 1
Devised 3 December 2014 while getting into the Christmas spirit with other Scottish Country Dances.v