The Fiddling Preacher

The Fiddling Preacher     A 32 bar Reel for three couples

1-4:   First couple set and cast off one place. Second couple move up on bars 3-4.

5-8:   First couple dance half figures of eight, man round third couple and woman round second couple.

9-12:   First couple dance right hand wheels, man with second couple and woman with third couple.

13-16:   First couple turn by the left hand one and a half times to finish facing first corner.

17-24:   First couple dance hello-goodbye setting and finish man facing up and woman facing down.

25-30: First couple dance reels of three on the sides with their corners, passing second corner by the right shoulder to enter the reel.

31-32:   First couple cross giving right hand to finish in second place on their own side.

Repeat with a new top couple.

Devised by Ann Campbell on October 13 2007 for Ed Elliotson, who, as well as playing the fiddle, was training and is now a qualified lay preacher.

Music chosen by Paul Maloney:

“The Snibbet Bibliotheck” from David Cunningham Junior & Senior & Ron Gonellla, Platinum – 70 Years St. Andrew’s Branch (SBJ0701).

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Susan’s Syringa Strathspey

Susan’s Syringa Strathspey –   32 bar Strathspey for three couples danced in a 4 couple set. A deceptively simple dance with hidden depths giving an opportunity to focus on form and timing detail

1-8: First couple lead down the middle. On bar 5 first man dances below his partner, turning her under his arm, and changing to nearer hands to dance up to first place, finishing in the middle between second couple, first man facing second woman, first woman facing second man. Second couple dance up on bars 5-6 [or on bars 7-8 and turn to face first couple as they dance to the top.

9-11: First man and second woman, giving right hand, and first woman and second man, giving left hand, dance a three-quarter turn [three bar turn. This is a large, sweeping turn; shoulders of second couple should align as they turn. First couple finish in second place facing third couple.

12-14: First man and third woman, giving left hand, and first woman and third man, giving right hand, dance a three-quarter turn three bar turn. This is a large, sweeping turn; shoulders of third couple should align as they turn to finish with first couple in second place on their opposite sides. (Third couple begin by the left foot on Bar 12)

15-16: Second, third and first couples set.

17-20: First man with second couple and first woman with third couple dance a right hand wheel.

21-24: First man with third couple and first woman with second couple dance a left hand wheel.

25-28: First couple dance a half figure of eight, woman down between third couple and man up between second couple, to finish on own side in second place.

29-32: Second, first and third couples turn with two hands.

Repeat from new places.

Devised BY Ann Campbell on September 28 2006 for Susan Elliotson

Suggested music:

The Dean Bridge of Edinburgh, Track 4 on The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Twelve Modern Scottish Country Dances in Traditional Form Book 23

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Richardson’s Rant

Richardson’s Rant                  32 bar Strathspey for 4 couples in a 4 couple set
Bars 1 – 4 1M crosses diagonally down into 3L place & casts up into 2W place WHILE

1W pulls back LSH, dances across top of dance into 1M place & crosses diagonally down into 3W place WHILE

2M casts into 3M place & crosses diagonally up into 1W place WHILE

2W crosses diagonally down into 4M place, pulls back LSH & dances across

bottom of dance into 4W place WHILE

3M crosses diagonally up into 1W place & pulls back LSH & dances across top of

dance into 1M place WHILE

3W casts up into 2W place & crosses diagonally down into 4M place WHILE

4M pulls back LSH, dances across bottom of the set into 4W place & diagonally up

into 2M place WHILE

4W crosses diagonally up into 2M place & casts down into 3M place

Bars 5-16 Repeat pattern, finishing with everyone in original place

5-8     1M crosses diagonally down into 4M place & dances across set to 4W place,

1W casts into 2W place & crosses diagonally down into 4M place

2M casts into 1M place & crosses diagonally down into 3W place

2W crosses diagonally up into 2M place & casts into 3M place

3M crosses diagonally down into 3W place & casts up into 2W place

3W casts across bottom of dance into 4W place & crosses up into 2M place

4M casts into 3M place & crosses up into 1W place

4W crosses up into 1W place & casts across top of dance into 1M place

(all on opposite sides, in the order 4,3,2,1)

9-12   1M crosses up to 2M place & casts down to 3M place

1W casts into 4W place & crosses up to 2M place

2M casts to 2W place & crosses down to 4M place

2Wcrosses up to 1W place & casts to 1M place

3M crosses down to 4M place & casts to 4W place

3W casts to 3M place & crosses up to 1W place

4M casts to 1W place & crosses down to 3W place

4W crosses down to 3W place & casts to 2W place

13-16 1M crosses up to 1W place & casts to 1M place

1W casts to 3M place & crosses up to 1W place

2M casts to 4W place & crosses up to 2M place

2W crosses down to 3W place & casts to 2W place

3M crosses up to 2M place & casts to 3M place

3W casts to 1M place & crosses down to 3W place

4M casts to 2W place & crosses down to 4M place

4W crosses down to 4M place & casts to 4W place (all in original places)

17-20 1C and 2C dance half diamond pousette

21-24 1C and 3C dance half diamond pousette

25-28 1C and 4C dance half diamond pousette

29-32 2C, 3C, 4C and 1C turn partners with both hands back to place.

Music: Castle Douglas

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Decorating the Christmas Tree

Decorating the Christmas Tree         32 bar reel for 3 couples in a 3C set

1-2       1C, 2C, 3C set

3-4       3C, R hand in R, dance up the centre to 1st place; 1C & 2C step down,

5-8       3C turn R hand 1 ½ times, finishing on opposite sides

9-12     2C, in 3rd place, set & dance R hand in R up the centre to 1st place, 1C & 3C step down

on bars 11&12

13-16   2C turn R hand 1 ½ times, finishing on opposite sides

17-20   1C repeat bars 1-4

21-22   1C turn R hand back to own sides

23-24   1C set

25-26   1M change places RH with 2M

27-28   1W change places RH with 2W

29-30   1M change places RH with 3W

31-32   1W change places RH with 3M, finishing 2, 3, 1

Devised 3 December 2014 while getting into the Christmas spirit with other Scottish Country Dances.v

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My Girls

My GirlsReel for 2 couples in a 4 couple set

1- 8     1C and 2C, 4 hands round to the left and back

9-12     half double figure of 8, 1st C crossing down, 2nd C casting or dancing up.

13-16   1st & 2nd W on men’s side, full turn with R hand, 1st & 2nd M on women’s side, full turn with L hand

17-20   2nd half of double figure of 8, 1st C crossing down, 2nd C casting or dancing up.

21-24   1st & 2nd W on own side, full turn with L hand, 1st & 2nd M on own side, full turn with R hand (everyone finishes in original place)

25-28   Repeat bars 9-12: half double figure of 8 (everyone ends on opposite side)

29-30   1st and 2nd half right hands across, finishing 1st C in 2nd place, 2nd C in 1st place on own sides

31-32   1st and 2nd set.

Vancouver Fiddle Orchestra, 20th Anniversary, Tract 8: Wendy of Appin

Devised by Susan Elliotson for her daughters, Kathryn and Julie, and first danced on 25 August 2013 at the party to celebrate husband/father’s 70th birthday.

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The Valentine Knot

The Valentine Knot           Strathspey for 3 couples in a 4 C set

1-8     1C set & turn two handed, cast behind 2C into 2nd place; turn two handed 1 1/ 2 times, to opposite sides, facing down; 2C step up on 3-4,

9-16    The Valentine Knot

9-10    1st L on M’s side, turns 3M left hand ½ way to end on sideline facing L’s side in Allemande position, WHILE 3L and 1M turn right hand ½ way to end on sideline facing M’s side in Allemande position

11-12  3L&1M, followed by 1L&3M dance counterclockwise (to their R) one place to face each other up & down the dance, 3L&1M facing down, 1L &3M facing up

13-16  Couples turn partners (slowly) by LH to finish, 3C in 2nd place opposite sides, 1L in 3M place, 3M in 2M place, 1M in 3L place, 3L in 2L place

17-24  1C & 3C dance Ladies’ chain

25-28  1L, followed by 1M, casts up behind 3M & crosses to 2L place, 3C step down on bar 26

29-32  2C, 1C and 3C turn two hands.

More inspiration from Gord McGregor’s comment about The Lover’s Knot.


Neil Copelands SCD music Book 17, track 14 The Valentine (first tune is Fiona’s Valentine) played by Muriel Johnston


Eight Bars of Magic, Laird Brown with The Scottish Accent, Tract 4, Selection of Strathspeys

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The Victoria Harbour Lover’s Knot

The Victoria Harbour Lover’s Knot     (S8x32) 2C in 3C set

1 – 8   1C and 2C dance set and link twice, 1L looping up and around ready for:

9 – 12  1C dance half figure of 8 around 2C,

13 -16 1C meet in 1st place and turn two hands

17 – 24    1C dance down for 2, turn two hands, dance up for 2 turn two hands

25 – 36    1C and 2C dance the Knot.

Inspired by Gordon McGregor who thought the dance, The Lover`s Knot, should include a knot formation. We didn’t recognize the bow knot formation which predated The Knot of Miss Milligan’s Strathspey. Dedicated to Gordon and his wife, Jeanne, who after dancing around the world, settled in Victoria Harbour and now dance with the South Simcoe Scottish Country Dancers in Alliston, Ontario.

8 February 2012.

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The Celtic Harp

The Celtic Harp   8 X 32 bars Strathspey (2 Couples)

1 – 8   1M and 2W pass R SH, cast to the left around partner, meet up & down the dance, pass L SH, 1M cast to the right behind 2M back to place while 2W casts to the right behind 1W back to place (basically dancing diagonal figure of 8)

The spiral progression, as follows:

9 – 12  1M and 2W woman turn with the right hand and, giving left hand to partner, all balance in line. On the second setting step, 1W and 2M pull back L SH to face clockwise, and join hands with partners.

13-16  1st and 2nd couples, in a diagonal line, dance round one place. 1W and 2M, releasing hands, progress to next position on the sidelines while 1M and 2W continue turning with the right hand to finish on own sides opposite partners, 2nd couple in first place and 1st couple in second place.

17 – 24          2M and 1W repeat bars 1 – 8.

25 – 32          1s & 2s dance full strathspey poussette.

Because this is a Celtic harp, it could be Welsh or Irish, as needed.

Devised 29 February 2012, inspired by the shortage of 2 couple dances appropriate for St. David’s Day.

Possible music:

The Duchess of Atholl’s Slipper, The Bobby Brown Collection, Bobby Brown and the Scottish Accent Vol. 2, Track 6

or something sweeping and reminiscent of harp music

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The Rose of the West

The Rose of the West (S8x32) 3C (3C set)

1- 4 1C turn 1 ½ times and cast down to 2nd place on opposite side

5-16 2C+1C+3C dance 3 couple R&L,

17-24 1C and 2C and Ladies chain

25-28 1C set & cross, cast into 3rd place, 3C stepping up bars 27-28,

29-32 1C and 3C, circle 4 hands round to the R.

Devised for the London (which is west of Alliston) dancers in Cuba , 8 February 2012

– Alister and Ann, Joe and Lesley, Bob and Susan

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Miff Campbell

Miff Campbell         8 X 32 bars Jig (2 Couples)

1- 2   1st couple set and finish facing down.

3- 8   1st couple dance the Capstan variation:

1st man dances behind standing 2nd man, and around him, 1½ times, and crosses (passing 1st woman, left shoulder) to second place on his opposite side; while, 1st woman dances behind standing 2nd woman and around her, 1½ times, and crosses (passing 1st man left shoulder) to second place on her opposite side,

2nd couple steps up on bars 7-8.

Finish: 2nd couple in top place, on their own side, and 1st couple in second place, on their opposite side.

9-16   2nd and 1st couples dance a ladies’ chain.

Finish: 2nd couple facing down, ready for:

17-22  2nd couple dance bars 3-8.

1st couple step on bars 21-22.

23-24  2nd couple set.

25-28  1st and 2nd couples set and dance right hands across, halfway.

29-32  2nd and 1st couples turn partner with the right hand, once round.

Recommended music:

Colin Dewar and his Band, A’ The Best Fae Banffshire, “The Tripitup Troupe” (Track 12)

Devised 30 Nov 2011 by Susan Elliotson because two of Ann Campbell’s new dances were danced in her absence on Association business), there was speculation that she might be miffed at having missed the experience. In that case was she to be called “Miffed Campbell”, or “Miff Campbell”?

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