The Victoria Harbour Lover’s Knot (S8x32) 2C in 3C set
1 – 8 1C and 2C dance set and link twice, 1L looping up and around ready for:
9 – 12 1C dance half figure of 8 around 2C,
13 -16 1C meet in 1st place and turn two hands
17 – 24 1C dance down for 2, turn two hands, dance up for 2 turn two hands
25 – 36 1C and 2C dance the Knot.
Inspired by Gordon McGregor who thought the dance, The Lover`s Knot, should include a knot formation. We didn’t recognize the bow knot formation which predated The Knot of Miss Milligan’s Strathspey. Dedicated to Gordon and his wife, Jeanne, who after dancing around the world, settled in Victoria Harbour and now dance with the South Simcoe Scottish Country Dancers in Alliston, Ontario.
8 February 2012.